Today’s reading from Isaiah shows us how to listen to God first, then share his truth with others. One simply can’t give what one doesn’t have!

In the aftermath of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus explains what true discipleship looks like, and what he has to do first in order to make it possible. We can share the light of Christ during the dark Coronavirus crisis, too.

After Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, Jesus’ opponents want to destroy Lazarus as well, as he drew many to faith in Christ. Lazarus, in so many ways, is a model disciple, and we need to follow his example.

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Did you know that Jesus wasn’t the first Jewish king to ride in triumph into Jerusalem on a donkey? Jesus knew it — and that’s why he did what he did! Check out this quick Palm Sunday video (be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel), and share it with your friends. Welcome to Holy Week 2020 on!

What’s the connection between the Old Covenant High Priesthood and Papal Infallibility? Today’s Gospel sheds some light. Don’t forget to share this post, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is accused of being a mere man trying to “make himself God”. His opponents got it backwards: Man didn’t become God, but God, in Jesus, became man. That’s another story entirely.

Cale explains how God’s covenant with Abraham is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus and the Catholic Church. Please share!

In today’s Mass readings, we see how Daniel’s friends faced the fiery furnace and the fury of a king, knowing God was with them. The Lord is with us in our own trials by fire, too.

Quick video reflection on how Moses’ lifting up the bronze serpent prefigures Jesus “lifted up” on the cross.

Quick video on how Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Perpetual Virginity are referenced — at least obliquely — in Luke’s account of the Annunciation.